22 Women Accuse Houston Texans QB Watson of Sexual Misconduct

Deshaun Watson, the quarterback of the Houston Texans, is now facing civil or sexual assault allegations from 22 women. All are service workers in the health and wellness industry. They said Watson assaulted them after he hired them for massages via Instagram. These incidents happened in 2020 and 2021. The recent three suits filed by the women called it a “disturbing pattern.”
22 Suits Against the Houston Texans Player
Two of the 22 women are filing a suit for sexual assault against Watson. One woman alleged that he forced her to perform oral sex. This occurred during a December 2020 massage. Another claimed that he wrapped his legs around her neck and forced her to perform sexual acts. This was during an August 2020 massage.
For the other women, they are suing the 25-year-old Houston Texans QB for civil assault. They alleged similar experiences of Watson exposing himself and aggressively telling them to touch inappropriate areas of his body. Some even stated that he touched them with his genitals.
Watson Accused of Deleting Instagram Messages
One of the lawsuits recently filed alleged that Watson “is deleting Instagram messages, and contacting those who formally provided him massages, in an attempt to settle.” But, according to the Houston Texans’ attorney, Rusty Hardin, while he “regularly deletes” his past Instagram messages, “he has not deleted any messages since March 15, the day before the first lawsuit was filed.” Hardin also denied that Watson directly contacted his accusers to settle the cases.
The NFL Player’s Side Denies All the Claims
Another woman also claimed that she told another NFL player, who remains anonymous, about her experience with Watson. The player allegedly told her that “there is a thin line between physical therapy and sexual pleasure. Watson crossed that line over into sexual pleasure.”
But despite all of these allegations, Hardin condemned all the lawsuits. He told CBS News that his team would address all the allegations. He also previously stated that the first seven allegations were meritless and that he believes “any allegation that Deshaun forced a woman to commit a sexual act is completely false.”
On his part, the Houston Texans QB tweeted that he’s “never treated any woman with anything other than the utmost respect.”
He stated last March 16 that, “The plaintiff’s lawyer claims that this isn’t about money, but before filing suit he made a baseless six-figure settlement demand, which I quickly rejected. Unlike him, this isn’t about money for me — it’s about clearing my name, and I look forward to doing that.”
The NFL is still investigating the allegations. The Houston Texans said that they would stay “in close contact” with the league and will “continue to take this and all matters involving anyone within the Houston Texans organization seriously.”
Although this news might come as a shock for Watson’s fans, this should not stop the NFL fans out there to start supporting their favourites. If you want to try out NFL professional betting, come check out our partner Eastbridge. As a betting exchange platform with arbitrage betting software, you will surely have an amazing betting experience. Contact them today!